For nearly 8 years, xCraft has been on the cutting edge of drone technology. During this time, they’ve been asked hundreds of times, how can I invest in your company?

We’re happy to announce that, finally, there’s a way!

xCraft has launched a campaign on StartEngine, an equity crowdfunding platform, allowing anyone to become an investor. No longer is startup investment limited to VC’s and private equity firms. Anyone can create an account on StartEngine and purchase a part of xCraft, America’s Drone Company.

XCraft launched the XPlusOne on Kickstarter in 2015 and raised $150K in their first campaign. From Kickstarter, xCraft was picked up by the producers of ABC’s SharkTank, where the xCraft team landed a record breaking deal with all 5 Sharks.

Slated to be a $501.4 billion market by 2028[1], the commercial drone industry is still budding, and xCraft is leading the charge in fields such as Security, Agriculture, Surveying, and Mining.

In August of 2021, xCraft received a $6.5M order for their PanaDrone UAS. PanaDrone is a groundbreaking drone system that can be deployed autonomously from anywhere in the world to altitudes of up to 400 feet, and remain aloft for days, or even weeks on end thanks to the ingenious tethered power supply. When it’s time to land, a single command from the operator initiates an automatic precision landing back in its environmentally sealed, climate controlled “nest”, ready for the next mission.

xCraft also recently shipped multiple drones to Brisbane, Australia to be used for Real Time Kinematic (RTK) mapping in open-pit mines.

Always forward thinking, xCraft developers have long term goals to bring their technology to air mobility industries. Urban Air Mobility (AKA flying cars) is an exciting industry space that people have dreamed about for decades. It was part of the founder’s original vision to see xCraft’s technology used to help move people and things efficiently and autonomously through the vast open airspace.

xCraft has developed the flying car concepts through vehicle and logistical system design. These concepts have been discussed with our IP attorneys and patent applications have been initiated although not yet submitted.

The team at xCraft is more than capable of accomplishing all these goals and more, and they want to bring their investors along for the success.

Join the next generation of drone technology by investing in xCraft on the ground floor today.

If you have any questions, please contact us at: | 1-208-665-1353

