Urban air mobility is a rapidly advancing field that refers to transportation systems which move goods and people by air. Currently, drones are the most commonly used UAM vehicles, and they can be owned and operated by both private people and organizations. Today, the current trends in the drone industry are quite literally soaring!

There’s no doubt that urban air mobility is on the rise. Countless companies and institutions are including drone technology in their operations and making use of it to increase the speed and accuracy of their service. It’s clear that UAM technology has applications in a variety of fields, including surveying and mapping, public safety, defense, and mining.

Because the technology promises to revolutionize operations in countless industries, there is an abundance of investors and startups, which are driving forward the development of new motors. In the next few years, we’ve already seen the global Urban Air Mobility Market value is projected to increase to 895 million in 2023. [1]

Increased Growth in the UAM Space

In recent years, urban air mobility has attracted a growing number of investors. Larger companies, such as California-based Joby Aviation, are now listed on the stock market. Smaller firms striving to imitate these leaders’ successes are increasingly common. All these innovative organizations are leading the way in the development of new technologies that will increase the effectiveness and usefulness of UAM equipment.

Greater Performance and Technological Breakthroughs

With so much money and brain power available, it’s no wonder that UAM technology is improving at a rapid pace. Almost all new devices now use multiple electric motors, which allow for greater performance density.

In the past, a mechanical gearbox was necessary to reduce the speed of permanent magnet motors, but this can cause issues with wear and tear, noise, and maintenance. Some of the newer UAM aircraft now no longer require this due to advances in motor technology.

Increased Versatility of Drones

There is almost no limit to what a drone can do. Until now, UAM aircraft were mainly used by specialist organizations, such as mining companies and institutions involved in surveying or mapping, but more and more industries are now looking into this technology, especially since the motors are becoming more durable, stronger, and less noisy.

For example, UAM aircraft are now regularly used to improve public safety and prevent disasters such as fires. Here at xCraft, we work together with emergency rescue teams to improve the speed and accuracy of their operations. With the help of a drone, the time required to provide disaster response can be reduced significantly. For this reason, we believe that UAM technology will enjoy increasing popularity in the public safety field.

Currently, urban air mobility is one of the most promising transportation systems, and it is growing rapidly. In the next decade, we expect to see countless innovations and increased uptake of UAM aircraft in a variety of industries. Get in touch with us to speak to a professional and find out more about the American-made technology we’re currently developing.


[1] https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/global-urban-air-mobility-uam-market-trends-2022-industry-recent-developments-and-latest-technology-size-share-future-growth-supply-demand-scenario-forecast-research-report-2028-2022-02-21#:~:text=According%20to%20our%20most%20recent,9.2%25%20over%20the%20analysis%20period.